[100 Tools] PERMA Pack

(6 customer reviews)

The PERMA model revolutionized the psychology world when it was introduced in 2012. It immediately became a cornerstone of positive psychology, shifting psychology’s focus from ‘fixing’ people’s ‘faults’ to helping people flourish.

Happiness and optimism are now known to be essential precursors to success and fulfilment. PERMA, sometimes called the “human dashboard,” is a proven framework for improving people’s subjective wellbeing by focusing on five life dimensions.

Now you can easily apply the PERMA model with this versatile set of ready-made resources. The Perma Pack contains 100 time-saving, science-based tools [PDF] designed to unlock the full potential of wellbeing.


$ 650

Quickly Master the Fundamentals of Positive Psychology and Help People Find Happiness With These 100 Science-Based Tools.

A swipe file of resources to give clients engaging, actionable steps for enhancing their wellbeing, regardless of your role or experience.

  • 20 Positive Emotions Exercises
  • 20 Engagement Exercises
  • 20 Relationships Exercises
  • 20 Meaning Exercises
  • 20 Accomplishments Exercises


  • 100 PERMA Quotes
  • 100 PERMA Coaching Questions
  • 100 PERMA Research Findings
  • An Introduction to Positive Psychology Video Course

Play the video below to learn more about this product.

20 Science-based Positive Emotions Tools, including:

  • 100 Dreams

    Help clients brainstorm 100 life goals, enhancing self-understanding and motivation to clarify and achieve their future aspirations.

  • Balanced Time Perspective

    Help clients develop a more balanced time perspective, thereby increasing their well-being and life satisfaction.

  • Getting Off the Hedonic Treadmill

    Make clients aware of hedonic adaptation and help them find ways to prevent it by focusing on changes that result in long-lasting happiness increases.

  • Magic Wand

    Help clients find purpose by identifying actions to create a better world.

  • Making Important Things More Enjoyable

    Enhance enjoyment of everyday tasks by pairing them with gratifying activities, thereby increasing in-the-moment satisfaction.

  • Planning Events To Look Forward To

    Help clients plan for future positive activities, enhancing their anticipation and overall well-being.

  • Pleasurable Activities Journal

    nhance client wellbeing by promoting awareness and engagement in mood-boosting activities.

  • Positive Emotion Brainstorm

    Generate possible ideas for your client to increase positive emotions in daily life.

  • Positive Portfolio

    Help clients cultivate positive affective states by creating positive portfolios.

  • Positive Reminiscence

    Help the client develop the skill of savoring and build positive emotions.

  • Random Acts of Kindness

    Help clients increase their wellbeing by performing acts of kindness, which boosts subjective happiness.

  • Spending Money on Others

    Challenge core beliefs about happiness by letting clients experience the well-being effects of giving away resources.

  • The Four Archetypes of Happiness

    Help clients understand and apply the four archetypes of happiness for both present enjoyment and long-term satisfaction.

  • The GLAD Technique

    Help clients understand the G.L.A.D. technique to challenge negative thinking and increase happiness by recognizing daily positives.

  • The Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO)

    Help clients appreciate the joy of missing out, enabling them to make informed, balanced choices rather than fear-based decisions.

  • The Savoring Expedition

    Enhance your client's ability to savor positive experiences by guiding them to seek out, relish, and reflect on these moments in their daily lives.

  • Three Funny Things

    Help clients boost positive emotions by noting and savoring humorous personal experiences.

  • Time Capsule

    Assist clients in creating a time capsule, documenting everyday moments for future joy.

  • Using Photography to Increase Savoring

    Help clients become aware of the positive aspects of their daily lives in a playful way.

  • Writing About Intensely Positive Experiences

    Increase the client’s mood by writing about a positive experience for three consecutive days.

20 Science-based Engagement Tools, including:

  • A Reflected Best Self Portrait

    Provide clients with a deeper understanding of their strengths and how to apply them in various settings.

  • Becoming More Productive by Outsourcing

    Help clients determine why they choose not to outsource work to others with specialized skills and knowledge. a complete career change or if they can change their current role to fit their needs better.

  • Creating Flow Experiences

    Design a flow experience with your client that is to be completed as homework to increase the amount of flow in their daily lives.

  • Daily Motivational Awareness

    Help clients become aware of the extent to which autonomy characterizes the motivation to perform daily activities.

  • Deep Work Plan

    Introduce clients to deep work and devise a plan to help them engage in deep work in their own working life.

  • Designing a Positive Workplace Using Appreciative Inquiry

    Help clients achieve change through envisioning the future, designing plans, and implementing them.

  • Detecting Mind Wandering

    Train the ability to detect mind wandering through mindfulness meditation.

  • Energy Drainers and Givers at Work

    Help clients identify the activities and experiences at their work that energize them and those that deplete their energy.

  • Exploring Flow Experiences

    Help clients bring awareness to the moments of experiencing a flow-state.

  • Increasing Productivity Using the Pomodoro Technique

    Introduce clients to the Pomodoro Technique and guide them in using it to enhance efficiency and productivity.

  • Motivational Vision Board

    Increase motivation by helping clients connect with the perceived benefits of goal accomplishment through the creation of a meaningful and motivational vision board.

  • My Perfect Day at Work

    Help clients reflect on their values and needs by considering their ideal workday.

  • Practicing Essentialism at Work

    Teach clients about essentialism and explore ways of applying it to their professional lives.

  • Red and Green Activities

    Enhance the client's awareness of strengths and weaknesses through daily, specific reflection.

  • Taking a Fantasy Job

    Help clients identify their dream job by reflecting on their fantasy work and analyzing the underlying values and strengths.

  • The Five Ps of Job Preference

    Assist clients in identifying their job preferences based on the Five Ps of work (People, Place, Projects, Process, Powers) to make informed career-related decisions.

  • What You Care to Do Right

    Help clients identify their values and strengths to consider careers aligning with their abilities and priorities.

  • You at Your Best

    Encourage clients to relive past experiences helps identify their unique strengths and savor memories of their best selves.

  • Your Ideal Job Visionary

    Enable clients to visualize their ideal job through a vision board, aiding in clarifying their career aspirations.

  • Your Personal Flow Profile

    Help clients create a unique and personal flow profile.

20 Science-based Relationships Tools, including:

  • Addressing Unhelpful Beliefs about Romantic Relationships

    Enhance client's intimate relationship wellbeing by identifying and challenging unhelpful relationship beliefs.

  • Asking for Support

    Enhance clients' understanding of their own obstacles to seeking support and teach effective help-seeking strategies.

  • Building Love Maps

    Help your clients in building and maintaining happier, more stable relationships.

  • Building the 5 Rituals of Connection

    Help your clients to create a sense of shared meaning and strengthen the emotional bond between partners in romantic relationships.

  • Connecting with Others by Self-Disclosure

    Help clients strengthen relationships and connect with others through honest and personal verbal self-disclosure.

  • Creating a Hugging Habit

    Enhance closeness and intimacy between partners through a daily hugging habit.

  • Examining Rituals of Connection

    Help couples revitalize their daily rituals of connection.

  • Fostering Admiration in Couples

    Help couples foster feelings of fondness and admiration for one another and teach them to express these positive feelings within the relationship.

  • Identifying our Expert Companions

    Help clients identify the desired characteristics in an expert companion and suitable candidates within their social network.

  • Improving Expression and Understanding in Relationships

    Help your clients to improve communication between partners within a romantic relationship by improving the expression of feelings, increasing understanding, and replacing toxic patterns of relating with healthier communication.

  • Investing in Valued Relationships

    Help your clients increase their awareness of the relationships they value most and the extent to which they invest in these relationships.

  • Looking at Difficult People from a Strength Perspective

    Increase your clients’ awareness of negative thinking patterns about particular people and to help clients reframe the difficult behavior of others from a strength’s perspective.

  • Managing Toxic Relationships

    Help your clients identify toxic relationships in their lives and decide whether and how to move away from these relationships to lessen their negative effects.

  • Showing Affection in Different Ways

    Help your clients increase satisfaction and strengthen commitment in romantic relationships by becoming aware of – and adapt to – a partner’s primary love language.

  • Testing Low Social Support Beliefs

    Assist clients in assessing their perceptions of social support and adapting accordingly.

  • Thank You Letter To Your Partner

    Help couples foster feelings of fondness and admiration for one another and teach them to express these positive feelings within the relationship.

  • The Break-Up Plan - Ending Friendships That No Longer Work

    Help increase your clients’ awareness of relationships that are no longer working how to end a friendship respectfully.

  • The Positive Relationship Timeline

    Elicit positive narratives about the collective experiences of couples in romantic relationships.

  • The Sound Relationship House Inspection

    Help couples examine their relationship's functionality using a template for healthy and satisfying partnerships.

  • Your Relationship Circles

    Examine the relative closeness of people in clients’ social networks and consider possible discrepancies between desired and actual time investment.

20 Science-based Meaning Tools, including:

  • 60 Second Value Pitch

    Help clients develop a deeper understanding of their values and priorities by clarifying and expressing what they deem to be the most important things in life.

  • A Value-Tattoo

    Help clients connect to their personal values in a creative way.

  • Before-You-Die Bucket List

    Help clients clarify values and find meaningfulness through creating a bucket list.

  • Caring About the Right Things

    Teach clients to prioritize their core values, focusing on what matters most and letting go of the inconsequential.

  • Choice Point

    Introduce the notion of choice points to clients, to give them more freedom and choice in their behavior.

  • Completing Sentences to Clarify Values

    Help clients reflect on and clarify their values in specified life domains.

  • Learning From Value-Based Actions of the Past

    Investigate the client’s actions in the past that allowed him/her to live in alignment with his/her values and to use this information to formulate concrete actions that can be taken in the present to promote value-based living.

  • Meaningful Photography

    Offer clients a simple and playful way to intuitively explore meaning in their lives.

  • My Last Day on Earth

    Help clients identify their core values and translate them into action by imagining their last day on Earth.

  • Prioritizing Personal Values

    Help clients list and prioritize personal values to equip them with a shortlist of five core values.

  • Promoting Altruism to Enhance Purpose

    Help your client to set actionable goals that will contribute to their journey of living a purposeful life.

  • Self-Eulogy

    Help clients clarify their values by considering their legacy and evaluating how well they align their life with these values.

  • The Beyond Limitation Question Technique

    Gain insight in both the core values of a client and goals that are driven by authentic, intrinsic motivation.

  • The Scoreboard Metaphor

    Demonstrate the difference between goals and values to your clients, emphasizing the importance of values in achieving personal goals.

  • The Top 5 Values

    Increase awareness of your client’s values and reflect on the personal meaning and importance of these values.

  • The Values Diagram

    Create awareness of the discrepancy between the values of a client and the extent to which the client lives in line with his or her values.

  • The Values Timeline

    Helps clients understand that values are dynamic and can be adjusted or changed.

  • Valued Living During Challenging Times

    Help clients identify if they've lost touch with personal values during challenging life events and realign through valued action.

  • Values Vision Board

    Help clients connect to their personal values in a creative way, allowing a playful and intuitive search for one’s core values that can easily function as a visual reminder.

  • Values-Based Goal Setting

    Help clients to take steps towards translating their most important values into committed actions.

20 Science-based Accomplishments Tools, including:

  • A Goal-Buddy

    Assist clients in achieving their goals by teaming up with goal-buddies who would help clients stay committed to their goals by keeping them accountable and motivated.

  • Advanced Goal Analysis

    Help clients examine their goal formulations and replace unhelpful or ineffective goal formulations with better alternatives.

  • Boosting Motivation by Celebrating Micro-Successes

    Increase motivation by helping clients recognize and celebrate micro-successes as valuable steps towards achieving their goals.

  • Consulting the Future Self When Making Choices

    Help clients make choices by consulting their future selves and considering the future consequences of decisions made in the present.

  • Facilitating Self-Concordant Action

    Aligning clients' actions with their values is critical for facilitating easier behavioral change.

  • Goal Realization Using the WDEP System

    Help clients identify the behaviors they need to change, stop, or begin and plan how these changes will be undertaken.

  • Goals Vision Board

    Help clients create a vision board to visualize and remember their long-term goals.

  • Hope Map

    Teach 'pathway thinking' to enhance hope, helping clients set high future expectations and overcome obstacles.

  • Implementation Intentions

    Increase the probability of successful goal attainment by predetermining an 'if/then' plan to overcome potential barriers.

  • Inspiration and Dealing with Challenges

    Help clients identify inspiring individuals who provide motivation and constructive perspectives during their goal pursuit.

  • Realizing Long-Lasting Change by Setting Process Goals

    Help clients build habits that will result in long-lasting change using the formulation of process-goals.

  • Reframing Avoidance Goals to Approach Goals

    Help clients transform avoidance goals into positive approach goals, potentially enhancing intrinsic motivation and progress.

  • Seeing Through the Illusion of Need Projection

    Assist clients in recognizing and addressing their current unmet needs to better understand and prepare for their future goals.

  • Self-Concordant Goal Analysis

    Analyze your client's goals in terms of his or her level of self-concordance.

  • Self-Contract

    Help people act upon their commitment to making the desired change.

  • Setting Goals Around Temporal Landmarks

    Help clients who hope to change unhelpful behaviors but are struggling with initiating goal-directed behavior.

  • Solution-Focused Scaling Questions

    Help clients enhance their lives by using solution-focused scaling questions to identify actionable steps for achieving goals.

  • Task Prioritization

    Help clients maintain focus on tasks that matter most through the process of prioritization using a prioritization matrix.

  • Using Intrinsic Values to Promote Goal Commitment

    Assist clients identify intrinsic values inherent in their current pursuit of a significant life goal.

  • Using Role Models to Facilitate Goal Achievement

    Help clients identify a suitable role model for the purpose of inspiring and motivating them to achieve a current personal goal.

This package includes 100 science-based PERMA exercises (in PDF format), quotes, research findings and coaching questions. Additionally it includes access to the video-based masterclass, An Introduction to Positive Psychology.

After you buy the package, you will gain instant online access and be able to download all the digital materials from your dashboard.

Yes. Please note that if you are already a subscriber to The Positive Psychology Toolkit, then you already have access to the 100 tools included in this PERMA pack.

No: Once you've purchased this package, you will gain lifetime access to all tools and resources.

The investment is $650 USD.

A formal or informal training background in positive psychology is not essential in order to follow this program. We have a broad range of customers that include teachers, psychologists, life coaches, HR specialists, business leaders, and fitness coaches, etc.

Yes, these materials are suitable for self-study and personal growth. You do not need to be a practitioner to benefit from these tools.

Yes. All the content for this program has been developed by academics with both a scientific and practical background. Extensive science-based handbooks are also provided that include all references and credits to the work of researchers in the field.

Yes! We are accredited by International Coaching Federation (ICF). This program will equip you with 3 CCE credits.

Yes, you can request a refund within seven days of purchase if this manual isn’t suitable for you.

Absolutely! Send our support manager Alex an email at [email protected] and he will gladly help you with your questions.

  1. Dr Maike Neuhaus

    The most comprehensive PERMA resource you will find on the internet. From an extensive library of research findings about PERMA, to a portfolio of powerful coaching questions exploring and amplifying each of its elements, and a toolkit of 100 evidence-based exercises ready to be used in your practice or classroom, this toolkit screams both practical and helpful!

    Dr Maike Neuhaus Founder, The Flourishing Doc

  2. Ryan M. Niemiec, Psy.D.

    This Toolkit© is a tremendous resource for the growing array of positive psychology practitioners who are interested in applying the latest tools. In addition, this toolkit is an outright goldmine for practitioners inside of the positive psychology field or brand new to it.

    Ryan M. Niemiec, Psy.D. Education Director of the VIA Institute on Character

  3. Emiliya Zhivotovskaya

    This Toolkit© is the best positive psychology resource out there! It’s incredibly rich, structured, easy to use, and is going to save me hundreds of hours of work. I am beyond grateful that something like this has finally been created!

    Emiliya Zhivotovskaya Speaker, CEO of the Flourishing Center

  4. Kyle Wade Thomas

    Designed as the conduit through which statistically significant and meaningful content flows, PostivePsychology.com has quickly evolved into my go-to source for all things Positive Psych. The courses, presentations, and workbooks are supported with evolving content, tools, interventions, research/book recommendations, and community in ways that are reliable and valuable. One can use this as a foundation for a professional practice as a psychologist, coach, or holistic philanthropist.

    Kyle Wade Thomas Head of Global Business Development, SmartDraw Software

  5. Jana Dawson, MAPP

    The PositivePsychology.com team has a unique ability to tackle and present intricate positive psychology concepts in an easy-to-understand, applicable, and relevant way. Their approach to program development is evidence-based with a deep understanding that, to create positive change, the research has to be applicable and workable in the real world.

    Jana Dawson, MAPP Corporate Trainer & Coach The School of Positive Psychology

  6. Jeroen Beckers

    PERMA from Seligman is a ‘cornerstone’ approach leading to wellbeing. Thanks to PositivePsychology.com, it is handed to us in such a way that it enables us, as coaches, to immediately make use of PERMA to the advantage of our clients. It gives you the background, the exercises, and additional content to start integrating it into your practice immediately. And those who are already familiar with the other content of PositivePsychology.com should know that it has the same quality.

    Jeroen Beckers Business Coach

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