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Download 17 Practical CBT Exercises (PDF) for Helping Professionals

This pack contains the highest-rated CBT tools that practitioners use for their own professional development, in coaching, for teaching, or in a therapeutic setting.

Practitioners have reported that these exercises have led to breakthrough moments in the careers and personal lives of their clients.

Buy now for $17

Complete Package

17 Essential tools to better help others.

This package includes 17 practical tools covering a wide range of positive CBT skills including:

awareness of cognitive distortions | positive reframing | coping | optimism | growth mindset 

All tools are rooted in science and include references, practical advice and a detailed description of how to use the tool.

  • Advantage #1


    Master proven methods to increase the mental well-being of the people you work with.

  • Advantage #2

    Proven impact

    Extend your offering with CBT methods and interventions.

  • Advantage #3

    Become an expert

    Use these tools to add positive CBT to your professional arsenal.


You will be equipped with the following tools:

  • The Most Helpful Thoughts

    Help clients recognize unhelpful thoughts and consider more helpful alternatives in a given situation.

  • Structured Problem-Solving

    Guide clients through structured problem-solving by defining the problem, generating solutions, and creating an action plan.

  • Seeing Through the Hindsight-Bias

    Help clients unpack a past decision so that they may understand what contributed to this choice at that point in time.

  • Pleasurable Activities Journal

    Help clients increase opportunities to experience joy by planning and recording pleasurable activities.

  • Diary of Better Moments

    This exercise aims to help clients cultivate a more balanced perspective on life by noticing and recording the everyday moments when things go better than, or not as bad as, expected.

  • Behavioral Activation

    Help people with depression or lowered mood become more physically active through activity scheduling and mood monitoring.

  • Using Self-Distanced Language to Gain Perspective on Negative Events

    Help clients gain perspective on negative experiences by using self- distanced language as a regulatory mechanism.

  • Solution-Focused Scaling Questions

    Help clients improve their lives using solution-focused scaling questions.

  • Replacing Unhelpful Thoughts With Helpful Alternatives

    Teach clients how to reframe unhelpful, negative thoughts into thoughts that are realistic, self-compassionate, and result in constructive emotions and actions.

  • Optimistic Thinking Style

    Help clients develop an optimistic thinking style by learning to explain positive events as personal (internal), permanent (stable), and pervasive (global).

  • Changing Behavior Through Positive Reinforcement

    The goal of this exercise is to help clients change their behavior using positive reinforcement.

  • ​A Letter from Your Best Day to Your Bad Days

    Help clients capture exceptional moments, situations, and days when things are better to serve as ongoing reminders of resiliency, and help them cope in times of suffering.

  • The ABC Model of Helpful Behavior

    Help clients reflect on adaptive behavior to build awareness of the triggers and long-term consequences.

  • Self-Forgiveness Letter

    Help clients forgive themselves using the four Rs of self-forgiveness: responsibility, remorse, restoration, and renewal.

  • Replacing Non-Grateful Thoughts With Grateful Thoughts

    Help clients practice gratitude by increasing awareness of ungrateful thoughts and replacing them with more grateful alternatives.

  • Dropping Anchor (& .MP3)

    This tool teaches clients to ground themselves in the present moment to manage strong, challenging emotions and includes a guided meditation audio file.

  • Breaking the Vicious Cycle

    Help clients analyze a vicious cycle by exploring the sequence of negative events that are currently reinforcing a personal problem and to help them break out of this cycle and enter a healthy, adaptive cycle.

  • “This package has contributed measurably and immeasurably to the well-being of people with whom I interact. Their lives are clearer of purpose and more fulfilling in outcomes as well as processes”.

    Stephen R. Mills | Corporate Trainer
  • “This is a great resource for my coaching and counseling work as well as for presentations I give. It’s great to have everything packaged in convenient ways for client use and keeps me abreast of Positive Psychology developments”.

    Dr. Richelle Anderson | Clinical Psychologist
  • “Thanks so much for these wonderful resources. I’m a MAPP student at University of East London & a wellness practitioner for the past 20+years. These tools are an essential part of my box of tricks when developing a program or workshop – thank you!”

    Tara Killen | Executive Coach

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Regular price: $47 USD
Now for just: $17

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Product Subtotal
17 Positive CBT & Cognitive Therapy Exercises ($17)  × 1 $ 17
Subtotal $ 17
Total $ 20.57
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Limited-Time Bonus #1

20 ‘Best of the Best’ Worksheets (PDF)

Looking for even more ways to streamline your session prep?

This bonus pack, containing 20 of our best worksheets from the blog, has got you covered. It covers a wide range of topics, such as emotional intelligence, mindfulness, positive communication, resilience, and more.

Each worksheet is crafted to assist practitioners in conducting sessions more efficiently. Some examples include ‘Healing From Trauma Through Writing,’ ‘Telling an Empathy Story,’ and ‘Loving Others, Better.’

Limited-Time Bonus #2

Visual Booster Pack (.ZIP)

Want to stand out on social media and make your newsletters ‘pop’?

After hundreds of requests from our Instagram followers, we finally turned our most popular infographics and social media posts into printable templates that you can use to create eye-catching content.

This Visual Booster Pack contains 12 beautifully designed and copyright-free illustrations that communicate complex concepts in a visually intuitive way.

About the author

Hugo Alberts (Ph.D.) has over 15 years’ experience teaching psychology to thousands of people at universities, companies, healthcare facilities, and government agencies.

Currently, his focus is developing science-based tools and exercises to help other professionals apply positive psychology confidently and expertly.

  • “I really enjoy PositivePsychology.com and all of the onsite and resources that come with it. This is the best investment I have made with my practice.

    Laura Fernie | Personal Development Coach
  • I would like you to know that the whole my therapeutic practice lives just because of your work, your articles and especially these tools. I spend nearly every evening translating your materials to the Czech language and then I use it in my work every day. I feel much better and more competent.”

    Eva Janštová | Psychologist
  • “I am thankful to you for the resources. I cannot overemphasise how these tools you have shared with me have benefited me in the individual and group work I am currently involved in. This stuff does the work for you. You just have to present it.”

    Andre Robinson | Psychotherapist